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vacuum brazed grinding dsic

vacuum brazed grinding dsic

Model No. : MPEBB501
Brand Name : Ficina
US $ 12
ricambi in widia per piatto bocciardatore

ricambi in widia per piatto bocciardatore

Model No. : testine Z
Country of Origin : China
US $ 28
bush hammer, sand blasting

bush hammer, sand blasting

Model No. : BSA1504
Country of Origin : Austria
EUR € 140
Scalpelli Widia,  chisels Tungsten

Scalpelli Widia, chisels Tungsten

Model No. : sm
Country of Origin : China
EUR € 2
Segmented saw blades for cutting granites

Segmented saw blades for cutting granites

Model No. : TSG-S
Country of Origin : China
EUR € 5
Air wet polishing machine

Air wet polishing machine

Model No. : GP100
Brand Name : Ficina
EUR € 75
bush hammer Tungestern

bush hammer Tungestern

Model No. : BC300S
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 165
concave-turbo &bend-wave Dischi concavo diamantati

concave-turbo &bend-wave Dischi concavo diamantati

Brand Name : ficina
Country of Origin : China
dischi turbo a fascia continua con riporti

dischi turbo a fascia continua con riporti

Model No. : TSG-O
Country of Origin : China
EUR € 5
Cutting blades super thin, disco  sottile

Cutting blades super thin, disco sottile

Model No. : YLBT
Brand Name : ficina
EUR € 5
Blades turbo to cut granites

Blades turbo to cut granites

Model No. : TSG230
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 12
Bullnose profile wheels for granites on CNC machines

Bullnose profile wheels for granites on CNC machines

Model No. : GOC
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 60
diamond burr

diamond burr

Model No. : GMT3
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 20
Grinding Cup Wheel, platorello a tazza

Grinding Cup Wheel, platorello a tazza

Model No. : M/PSG1
Brand Name : ficina
EUR € 13.5
Electroplated diamond cutting Blades

Electroplated diamond cutting Blades

Model No. : SEM2
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 7
Electric-placed saw blades  to  cut marbles

Electric-placed saw blades to cut marbles

Model No. : SEM1
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 12
Disco elettro-deposito a settore per marmo

Disco elettro-deposito a settore per marmo

Model No. : SEM3
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 7
Electro-plated diamond discs with protected -segments

Electro-plated diamond discs with protected -segments

Model No. : CEML-L230
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 24
cutting marble full diamond

cutting marble full diamond

Model No. : ceml-l
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 17
cutting and grinding saw blades for marbles

cutting and grinding saw blades for marbles

Model No. : CEML
Brand Name : ficina
US $ 6

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